Once upon a time, there was a son who made a heartbreaking decision. After his father passed away, he chose to place his mother in an asylum, a decision that weighed heavily on his heart. As time went on, the son would occasionally visit his mother in the asylum, but it wasn’t until one fateful day that everything changed.

The son received a call informing him that his mother’s health was deteriorating rapidly. Filled with sorrow and regret, he rushed to her side, desperate to make amends before it was too late.

With tears streaming down his face, the son asked his mother what he could do to make her remaining days more comfortable. And to his surprise, her requests were not what he expected.

His mother spoke softly, her voice filled with a lifetime of longing and unfulfilled dreams. She asked him to offer love and kindness to those around him. She pleaded with him to bring about change in the asylum, where the fans were broken and the atmosphere was suffocating with loneliness.

But there was more. She asked him to consider replacing the refrigerators as well. She recounted the days when hunger gnawed at her, as expired food was all she had to sustain herself. It was a plea born out of the pain that no mother should ever have to endure.

The son, overwhelmed with guilt and regret, promised his mother that he would do everything she asked. But he couldn’t help but wonder, why did she wait until her final moments to share her wishes? Her response, though difficult to hear, offered him a profound insight.

“I may be departing this world, my dear son,” she explained, “but even in death, I think of you. I think of the day when your own children might turn their backs on you, just as you turned your back on me. And when that day comes, I hope you find a place with better conditions, where the love and care you offer will be reciprocated. Please, never forget our message.”

This touching story was shared on a Romanian social media account, eliciting a powerful response from readers. It resonated deeply within their hearts, prompting them to share it with their own networks, spreading its poignant message far and wide.

Let us all take a moment to reflect on this story, to cherish the love of our parents, and to be mindful of the choices we make. May we remember the importance of love, compassion, and nurturing relationships, and let these virtues guide us in our interactions with others.