Imagine going for a walk with your loyal furry friend and stumbling upon a 70-million-year-old dinosaur skeleton! Well, that’s exactly what happened to Damien Boschetto in France. While walking his dog Muffin in the forests near his home in Cruzy, Damien made an incredible discovery – the nearly intact skeleton of a titanosaur.

It was back in May 2022 when Damien first found pieces of the massive fossil. A landslide on the edge of a cliff exposed the bones, and Damien couldn’t believe his eyes. But instead of immediately sharing his find with the world, Damien decided to keep it a secret for two whole years.

Why the secret, you may wonder? Well, Damien had a noble reason. He wanted to protect the site from potential pillagers and ensure the safe excavation of the skeleton. So, he patiently waited until now to make the big announcement.

Working alongside the Archaeological and Paleontological Cultural Association (ACAP) at the Cruzy Museum, Damien and his team dedicated two years to carefully unearthing the fossil. And now, this incredible 30-foot-long skeleton is on display at the Cruzy Museum for everyone to marvel at.

The dinosaur that Damien found belonged to a group known for their remarkably long necks. They roamed the Earth during the Cretaceous period, which lasted from 145 million to 66 million years ago.

Damien, who has since left his job in the energy sector to pursue a master’s degree in paleontology, expressed his excitement and the importance of finding the fossil in its original anatomical position. This discovery is not only thrilling for him personally but also holds significant scientific value.

The Cruzy Museum’s director, Francis Fages, emphasized the significance of such discoveries in understanding the species and ecosystems of the late Cretaceous period in France and Europe. It’s a fascinating insight into our planet’s ancient past.

If you ever find yourself in France, be sure to visit the Cruzy Museum and witness this remarkable piece of history firsthand. It’s a testament to the wonders that nature has in store for us, and the incredible surprises that can be hiding right beneath our feet.