The truth behind that famous scene between Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford in ‘The Way We Were’

Do you remember that unforgettable moment from the classic 1973 film “The Way We Were” starring Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford? Well, what if I told you there was more to that scene than meets the eye?

In the book “The Way They Were: How Epic Battles and Bruised Egos Brought a Classic Hollywood Love Story to the Screen” by Robert Hofler, we are taken behind the scenes to uncover intriguing details about the making of this beloved film.

One of the most surprising revelations is the potential crush between Streisand and Redford. Producer Ray Stark faced unexpected challenges while shooting their first sex scene. What was meant to be a brief moment ended up taking two whole days to complete!

Hofler’s exploration of the film’s production reveals a chaotic environment filled with a difficult cast, a complex plot, countless delays, endless rewrites, and Streisand’s demanding nature. But could her repeated takes during the love scene have had a hidden motive?

According to Hofler, Streisand may have been “infatuated” and “mesmerized” by Robert Redford. The author claims that her affectionate feelings for him were evident in her dedication to perfecting the scene. And it seems she wasn’t the only one captivated by Redford’s charm. Even actresses like Meryl Streep confessed to having crushes on him!

Rumors of potential affairs on set involving Streisand and Redford circulated at the time, despite Redford being happily married with four children. However, the esteemed actor remained professional and refrained from engaging in any scandalous behavior. Nevertheless, the prolonged retakes during the love scene hinted at Streisand’s romantic interest.

In the book, Hofler shines a light on the challenges faced during the film’s production, including Redford’s reservations about working with Streisand. The actress was known for her meticulous involvement in the project, which sometimes clashed with Redford’s own vision.

Even certain lines in the script raised concerns for Redford. He was hesitant to say, “It will be better this time” during a love scene, fearing how it might affect the perception of his abilities in bed. It’s a testament to his dedication and professionalism.

As the filming progressed, tensions between Redford and Streisand began to arise. Redford feared Streisand’s potential dominance over the film’s direction, while director Sydney Pollack found himself exhausted by the demanding production and undeniable chemistry between the two stars.

Streisand’s frequent calls to Pollack, discussing daily events and plans, added to the dynamic on set. Redford, initially skeptical about working with her, questioned Streisand’s dramatic acting abilities and worried about the film turning into a Barbra Streisand musical.

Overall, Hofler’s book provides an insightful and detailed look into the intricate dynamics and challenges faced during the creation of this timeless Hollywood love story. If you’re a fan of “The Way We Were” or simply intrigued by Hollywood behind-the-scenes, this book is a must-read!

So next time you rewatch that famous scene between Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford, remember the hidden romance that played out off-screen.