The anticipation for a bald eagle couple’s eggs to hatch in California has turned into quite the spectacle, captivating thousands of viewers. A live cam set up by the California conservation organization, Friends of Big Bear Valley, has been streaming the eagles’ nesting activities on YouTube. People from all over have tuned in to witness the drama unfold between the two birds, Jackie and Shadow.

While waiting for the eggs to hatch, viewers have been treated to an unexpected spectacle – the couple bickering over who should keep the eggs warm in the nest. The organization shared an update on Facebook, revealing that Jackie would call for Shadow in the early dawn after spending the night on the eggs. Shadow would then take over, but recently, he has become more stubborn, refusing to leave when Jackie returns.

The organization jokingly described the situation as “playing hardball,” with Jackie refusing to leave the eggs for several hours. On one occasion, she had to lay on Shadow to get him to move. These antics between the two birds have attracted over 30,000 viewers, who eagerly watch the live cam on the nest.

Despite the bickering, it’s all done out of love. Friends of Big Bear Valley explained that Jackie is patient and understanding of Shadow’s love for incubating, and she usually gives him extra time on the eggs. When she decides it’s enough, she gives him a gentle love nibble or nudge to encourage him to leave. Then, she quickly moves in to take care of the eggs herself.

The organization also mentioned that Jackie mainly presides over the nest, especially during harsh weather. During a recent storm, she watched over the nest for an impressive 62 hours, showcasing her dedication as a mother.

It’s incredible to see the commitment and intricacies of nature up close through the live cam. The bond between Jackie and Shadow is truly remarkable, and their bickering only adds to the anticipation of the eggs hatching. Stay tuned to witness this beautiful culmination of nature’s wonders.