Vanna White

Vanna White, the beloved co-host of “Wheel of Fortune” since 1982, is taking a stand for fair pay after nearly two decades without a raise. Despite her dedication and years of service, White has not seen an increase in her salary for almost 20 years. This has led her to enlist the help of an “aggressive new lawyer” to fight for the compensation she deserves.

Currently earning $3 million annually, White’s salary pales in comparison to that of her co-host, Pat Sajak, who reportedly earns nearly five times her salary according to Puck. Some might argue that Sajak’s higher income is justified as the show’s host. However, multiple sources have disclosed that White puts in more time on set and actively promotes the show.

Watch Vanna's Interview

In a recent interview, White expressed her deep connection to “Wheel of Fortune” and her partnership with Sajak. She mentioned that they are often referred to as “Ken and Barbie” due to their iconic status on the show. The idea of someone else turning the letters feels strange to her, as they have been in viewers’ homes for four decades.

While White acknowledged that Sajak’s departure would be heartbreaking for her, recent events have indicated that the dynamic duo might not be reunited on the show. Nevertheless, White’s dedication and contributions to “Wheel of Fortune” over the years cannot be overlooked.

It is only fair that Vanna White receives a significant raise after all these years. Her commitment and hard work have made her an integral part of the show’s success. Join us in supporting Vanna’s quest for fair compensation as she strives to ensure that her contributions are duly recognized.