Encountering wildlife up close is always fascinating, no matter what age you are. Just ask Gary Grayson, a diver who recently had a magical encounter with a gray seal in its natural habitat. This heartwarming story will make you fall in love with wildlife all over again.

Gary was diving near the Scilly Isles off the coast of southwest England when he came across two gray seals. One of the seals was a bit shy, but the other showed no fear towards Gary or his dive equipment. In fact, it seemed quite curious about him.

As Gary stretched out his hand, trying to figure out what the seal wanted, it touched its nose to his. The seal then gently took hold of Gary’s hand and pulled it towards its stomach. It was clear that all the seal wanted was a little love and a belly rub.

Gary was amazed by the experience. “I’m an experienced diver, but I have never known anything like that,” he shared. “I tend to live life on the edge, but this was certainly up there with anything I have ever done.”

This incredible encounter highlights just how sweet, curious, and dog-like seals can be. Ally McMillan, CEO of Seal Rescue Island, described it best: “It really shows how amazing these creatures are.”

Sometimes, it doesn’t take much to brighten up a gray day. And in this case, a gray seal did just that.

If you want to witness this awe-inspiring moment for yourself, make sure to watch the full video below:

Let’s spread the love and share this incredible encounter with all our animal-loving friends and family.