Amy Grant, the beloved singer and performer, recently went through a harrowing experience that left her with a head injury. In July 2022, while biking in Nashville, she encountered a treacherous pothole that caused her to crash. Unconscious for almost 10 minutes, Grant faced a long and challenging road to recovery. The accident even led to the cancellation of some of her gigs. However, after three months of rest and rehabilitation, she made a triumphant return to the stage in November.

Grant’s accident had a lasting impact on her memory. She revealed that she now relies on a teleprompter to remember the lyrics of her songs. “My memory is still coming back, and the stamina, they estimate 12-18 months with an injury like that,” she shared with E! News before a January performance. “I’m six months in, and I’m feeling great! I expect things to become better.”

To ensure a smooth performance, Grant now uses a teleprompter during her shows. She expressed her joy at being able to continue doing what she loves with the help of this device. “So far, I’m using a teleprompter. There will be one tonight. I’m overjoyed. On the Christmas Tour, I used a teleprompter,” she said.

The impact on her memory extends beyond her professional life. In a candid interview with Fox News, Grant shared a personal anecdote that highlighted the challenges she faces. “Honestly, I can’t recall what I don’t remember,” she admitted. “The other night, I went out to dinner with a high school acquaintance. We used to sleep over at each other’s residences. ‘I’m sorry to ask, but are you and your spouse still together?’ I said. Douglas died seven years ago, and it was as if I was hearing it for the first time!”

Despite these obstacles, Grant remains optimistic and determined to continue her musical journey. “Last week was my first time back on stage, and I can’t think of a gentler way to re-enter the spotlight than playing a Christmas concert with my close buddy Michael W. Smith,” she shared at the 45th Kennedy Center Honors. However, the experience was not without challenges. “That first day was nerve-racking for me. I lost the lyrics to songs I wrote. I’m just on a healing path, but this time it’s here. You know, love and kindness are also incredibly healing, and I’m not joking – I feel full from head to toe,” Grant explained.

Throughout her recovery, Grant’s greatest supporter has been her husband, Vince Hill. She praised his unwavering patience during this challenging time. “He’s just been incredibly patient. Vince has a way of grounding the area we’re in even without uttering a word,” she acknowledged.

Grant also reflected on her fears and concerns about her post-accident self. “I remember thinking early on, ‘What if I’m different? What if I’m not the same?’” However, she stressed the importance of embracing change in life and love. “Hey, every day we wake up a bit different, and we love each other, and it’s good,” she said.

As Grant continues on her healing path, we hope that she will retrieve her memories entirely and overcome any potential challenges that may lie ahead. She serves as an inspiration to all who face adversity, reminding us of the power of resilience and the healing effects of love and support.

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