Imagine the shock of finding out you’re expecting triplets! That’s exactly what happened to Becki-Jo Allen, a 23-year-old mother from Liverpool. And if that surprise wasn’t enough, she later discovered that her triplets, Roman, Rocco, and Rohan, are actually identical!

To most people, telling triplets apart seems like an impossible task. But Becki-Jo has found ways to distinguish her little ones. Roman has a slightly darker birthmark between his brows, while Rohan has one on his leg. These unique features make it easier for her to tell them apart.

It’s not just their physical appearance that sets them apart though. As the triplets grow, their distinct personalities are beginning to shine through. Rohan is the loud one, always making himself heard. Roman can be a little whiny when it comes to sharing, and Rocco is the laid-back but feisty one. They may be identical, but they each have their own little quirks.

Becki-Jo couldn’t believe her luck when she found out she was having triplets. She had no history of multiples in her family, so it was a complete surprise. After a challenging pregnancy, the triplets were born prematurely via caesarean section at 31 weeks. Despite their early arrival, Roman and Rohan weighed 3 pounds, 6 ounces and 3 pounds, 10 ounces respectively, and they are thriving at home now.

Taking care of three little ones is no easy task. Becki-Jo goes through a pack of formula every two days and uses the washing machine three times a day. With roughly 130 nappies and four packs of baby wipes per week, it’s a never-ending cycle of feeding and changing.

Luckily, she has support from her 17-year-old sister, Lauren. Their father does not live with them, so it’s a team effort to keep everything running smoothly. Despite the challenges, Becki-Jo remains grateful for the medical care and support she has received. She is even more determined to pursue her dream of becoming a neonatal nurse now that she has experienced the joys and challenges of motherhood firsthand.

The chance of naturally conceiving identical triplets is incredibly rare, with odds ranging from one in 60,000 to one in 200 million. But Becki-Jo’s little ones beat those odds. They are believed to be one of the few sets of identical triplets born naturally in the UK.

Stories of identical triplets always fascinate people. In fact, another set of identical triplets, Leila, Liina, and Lily Luik from Estonia, are set to participate in the marathon at the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Can you imagine the confusion they might cause on the track?

For Becki-Jo, telling her triplets apart may have been challenging at first, but she has become an expert. With their unique birthmarks and distinct personalities, she is proud to be the one person who can always identify her little ones. They may be identical, but they are each their own special individuals.