William Shatner, the beloved actor known for his iconic role as Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek, has faced both triumph and adversity in his remarkable life. While he recently had the extraordinary opportunity to travel to space, he also received news that he had been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

This diagnosis shook him to his core, but Shatner’s resilience and determination prevailed as he embarked on a journey to overcome prostate cancer.

Shatner’s accomplishments extend beyond his acting career; he is also a talented musician with eight albums to his name. However, the news of his cancer diagnosis had a profound impact on his life. In an interview with NBC, Shatner candidly shared his thoughts and fears as he grappled with the reality of his condition. “I was told by a doctor that I had a deadly condition. That I was going to die,” he revealed.

The initial shock and disbelief gave way to a flood of questions about his mortality. “I wasn’t sure how to react to the news. We were discussing my funeral,” Shatner recalled. Like many facing a similar situation, he couldn’t help but question the accuracy of the diagnosis. “The doctor informed me that I had cancer. I reasoned that there had to be an error. This is how other people feel,” he added.

Prostate cancer often develops slowly, with symptoms only arising when the tumor obstructs the urinary pathway. To determine the severity of his cancer and whether it posed a significant threat to his life, Shatner underwent a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. This test measures the levels of a specific protein in the blood that can indicate the presence of prostate cancer.

Until that point, Shatner’s PSA levels had been within the acceptable range. However, this time, the test revealed a shockingly higher value of ten. “Aggressive cancer,” the doctor somberly informed him. The revelation left Shatner feeling betrayed by his own body.

The news sent Shatner on an emotional rollercoaster as he grappled with the realization that his life might be cut short. “I had drafted my will, which indicated that upon my death, this person would receive this, and that person would receive that,” he admitted. But deep down, he clung to the hope of defying the odds. “On a more emotional level, I was convinced I would live indefinitely. I contested it. It meant expressing my will before indulging in a lovely piece of strudel. Death had no meaning to me.”

As Shatner navigated the daunting path ahead, he stumbled upon a potential clue related to his cancer and the testosterone supplements he had been taking. Research conducted in Baltimore revealed a correlation between increased testosterone levels and a higher risk of prostate cancer in men over 55. Conversely, a separate study from the University of Oxford found that low testosterone levels were associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer.

These findings shed light on the intricate relationship between testosterone and prostate cancer. “I wondered whether I should discontinue taking the supplements. ‘Yeah,’ he said, ‘that would be a terrific idea,’” Shatner explained. Armed with this knowledge, he cautiously adjusted his treatment plan.

Fortunately, three months later, Shatner received another PSA test, and the results were heartening. The value had dropped significantly to one. The doctor suspected that the initial higher number was possibly due to testosterone. “The body acquires cancer frequently and exterminates it, but that test’s sensitivity allowed it to identify even the slightest hint of it, which, combined with the PSA reading, made me fear I was near death. I was pleased to learn that I did not have cancer. I’ve returned to not dying. At the very least, immediately.”

This experience highlights the importance of comprehensive screening methods for prostate cancer, such as blood tests, physical examinations, MRI scans, or biopsies. While PSA tests can sometimes yield false-positive results, these alternative methods provide a more accurate diagnosis.

Shatner’s story serves as a reminder to seek medical attention if experiencing symptoms such as frequent urination, difficulty initiating urination, poor urine flow, blood in urine or sperm, or a persistent urge to use the restroom. Early detection can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment.

If diagnosed with prostate cancer, individuals will receive guidance on the best treatment options. These options may include “watchful waiting” in the early stages, surgery, or radiotherapy as the disease progresses.

William Shatner’s journey serves as an inspiration to us all, demonstrating the power of resilience and the importance of early detection. As he continues to defy the odds, his story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit.