Imagine winning a massive lottery jackpot and instantly having the power to change your life. Most people would be tempted to indulge in a life of luxury, but not Frances Connolly. This incredible woman from Northern Ireland had a different plan in mind when she won a staggering £115 million (approximately $145 million) in the EuroMillions lottery back in 2019 – she decided to give back.

Instead of splurging on expensive possessions, Frances immediately shared her newfound wealth with her loved ones. But her generosity didn’t stop there. She had always dreamt of using a lottery jackpot to make a difference in the lives of others, and she was determined to turn that dream into a reality.

Frances set up two charitable foundations with her winnings. One, named after her late mother, Kathleen Graham, is based in Northern Ireland. The other is the PFC Trust, dedicated to supporting local caretakers, the elderly, and refugees in her hometown. These foundations became her way of giving back to her community and helping those in need.

But Frances’ philanthropic journey started long before her lottery win. As a child, she volunteered with the St. John Ambulance, learning how to administer first aid. She even helped run an AIDS helpline in Belfast. Giving back was in her DNA. When she won the lottery, she saw it as an opportunity to amplify her impact.

In an interview with BBC, when asked about her decision to give away such a significant portion of her winnings, Frances simply replied, “Why wouldn’t you? I’ve done that all my life.” For her, money was never a measure of happiness. It was a tool to liberate oneself and uplift others.

Today, she remains actively engaged in the community, particularly with the unemployed, refugees, caretakers, and the elderly. She provided tablets to seniors, ensuring they can stay connected with their families and combat loneliness. Frances treats helping others as an addiction – there’s no stopping her.

Some remarkable acts of kindness include a £5,000 donation to Ukrainian refugees, enabling them to purchase essential clothing and hygiene products. She also mentioned that if she had saved all the money she gave away, she would still be a millionaire. But Frances doesn’t crave a life of luxury. She and her husband continue to lead normal lives, prioritizing their mission to help others.

While they did treat themselves by purchasing a dream six-bedroom house with seven acres of land in County Durham, and Mr. Connolly enjoys driving a second-hand Aston Martin, their main focus remains on making a positive impact. After all, for Frances, money is meaningless if it isn’t used for the greater good.

Her story serves as an inspiration and a reminder to us all. It’s not about how much we have or what we can possess, but about how we can make a difference in the lives of others. Frances Connolly embodies the true spirit of selflessness, showing us that when given the chance, we should use our blessings to spread joy and kindness to those who need it most.