There’s something truly majestic about lions – their grace, power, and commanding presence. But not all lions are fortunate enough to experience the freedom they deserve. Take the heartbreaking case of Ruben, a lion who spent years in solitary confinement at a deserted zoo, earning him the title of the “world’s loneliest lion.” However, thanks to an incredible rescue effort, Ruben is now getting a fresh start at an animal sanctuary.

Ruben, a 15-year-old lion, found himself in a private zoo in Armenia when the owner passed away, leading to the closure of the zoo five years ago. While the other animals were transferred to new homes, there was no place for Ruben. For half a decade, he endured isolation and detachment from other animals, leaving him with physical and emotional scars that required specialized care. The absence of other lions even silenced his once mighty roars.

“Ruben’s world fell silent, and for five long years, his plaintive roars went unanswered,” said ADI (Animal Defenders International) in a press release. In a video, Jan Creamer, a member of ADI, pleaded for assistance in rescuing the “loneliest lion in the world.”

Transporting a lion from Armenia to South Africa is no simple task, but ADI was determined to help Ruben, no matter the obstacles. After weeks of fundraising and obtaining the necessary clearances, the rescue plan was set into motion. Ruben was first moved from the former zoo to a bear sanctuary in Armenia called the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets. Following a quarantine period and essential medical treatments, Ruben received the green light to embark on his journey to Africa. Though the path was filled with obstacles and bureaucratic red tape, Qatar Airlines generously donated two flights and provided a safe crate for Ruben’s transportation.

Finally, Ruben reached his final destination – a wildlife sanctuary in South Africa. Even though he had to undergo another quarantine period, the sheer joy of being in the presence of another lion for the first time in half a decade was palpable. “When Ruben finally arrived at the sanctuary, he was exhausted and took shelter in his travel crate, where he felt safe. But then, he heard the roars of Simba and Rey – the first voices of his own kind in all those years,” recounted ADI.

Ruben will require ongoing veterinary care, but the transformation he has undergone since returning to a natural habitat surrounded by other lions is incredible. “Lions are the most sociable of the big cats, living in family prides in the wild,” explained Jan Creamer. “So it must have been devastating for Ruben to have no contact or communication with other lions.” Witnessing Ruben walk on grass for the first time, hearing the familiar voices of his kind, and feeling the warmth of the African sun brought tears to the eyes of those witnessing his journey. The once fearful and tense expression on his face has given way to relaxation and tranquility. His determination to walk freely once more is truly inspiring.

And in a truly heartwarming display of progress, Ruben did something he hadn’t done in years – he roared with all his might! It’s devastating to think of the isolation and loneliness Ruben endured for so long, but now he has found solace in a peaceful sanctuary where he can spend the rest of his days with his fellow lions. ❤️🦁

We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who played a part in setting Ruben free and helping him find his roar again! Please share this uplifting and inspiring news with others.