Celebrating Dad Bods and Reevaluating Mom Bods: Is There a Double Standard?

One Woman Wants To Know Why The Dad Bod Is Celebrated But The ‘Mom Bod’ Is Shamed

Dad bods have been gaining popularity in recent years, and it’s seen as a positive trend. Men with dad bods have discovered that they can still be attractive even if they’re not super fit. This celebration of dad bods promotes the idea that healthy body types are appealing, rather than conforming to unrealistic beauty standards. However, a woman on TikTok recently pointed out a double standard when it comes to mom bods. While dad bods are celebrated, mom bods are often criticized. It seems that moms are expected to quickly “bounce back” after giving birth and return to their pre-pregnancy bodies to be considered conventionally attractive.

The term “dad bod” gained attention in 2015 through an article titled “Why Girls Love The Dad Bod.” It was written by Mackenzie Pearson, a student at Clemson University. Pearson explained that the dad bod is a nice balance between having a beer gut and being someone who works out. There’s something about the dad bod that makes men seem more relatable, natural, and attractive. For many women, the dad bod is appealing because it’s less intimidating than a perfectly fit physique. It also allows women to feel slimmer when they’re with a bigger guy. And let’s not forget that dad bods are great for cuddling!

Pearson’s article received a positive response from men who thanked her for helping them with their body image insecurities. The dad bod movement had a beneficial impact on men’s self-confidence. However, the appeal of dad bods seemed to stem from women’s own body image struggles, even though that was not Pearson’s intention.

In a viral TikTok video, real estate agent and Etsy shop owner Rachel Whipple called attention to the double standard surrounding dad bods and mom bods. She questioned why society readily accepts dad bods, yet women who literally carry and give birth to children are bombarded with messages about losing the baby weight. She pointed out that a mom’s body, which has gone through the incredible feat of birthing a human being, is not accepted in the same way a dad’s body is.

Whipple’s video quickly gained over a million views, sparking thousands of comments and likes. Many viewers expressed that they had never considered this hypocrisy before. Some shared their own stories of being pressured to lose weight after giving birth, while men seemed to face significantly less scrutiny for their weight gain after becoming parents.

Women from all walks of life joined the conversation, proudly embracing their “mom bods” in response videos. This outpouring of positivity and body acceptance from women with mom bods may inspire others to feel more confident in their own skin.

Unrealistic beauty standards for women have steadily moved further away from the appearance of the average American woman. Expectations now include hairlessness, slim figures with flat stomachs and prominent buttocks, constant pleasant scents, flawless skin devoid of blemishes, and an overall lack of signs of aging like gray hair and wrinkles.

These unrealistic beauty standards are reinforced through various channels, both subtly and overtly. Advertisements promote diets, skincare products, “beach body ready” workouts, and heavily edited images that are far from reality. Actresses in films are often required to conform to a specific body type to secure roles, and it’s not uncommon to see older male actors paired with much younger actresses. This double standard implies that older men are still attractive, while women their age are not.

It’s no wonder that many women struggle with body image issues. They are constantly measured against an impossible standard of beauty that only exists through filters, professional makeup, dieticians, chefs, Photoshop, and plastic surgery. While it may be easy to tell young girls not to care about what others think, the constant negativity surrounding “non-attractive” body types, including their own, takes a toll. It’s no surprise that women are at a higher risk of experiencing low self-esteem, leading to mental health issues such as depression and eating disorders.

Fortunately, there are movements aimed at challenging these unrealistic beauty standards. It’s our hope that mom bods will gain as much recognition and acceptance as dad bods. Rachel Whipple, the woman behind the viral TikTok video, commented on the mixed emotions she experienced as a result of the response. She felt a mixture of happiness seeing women embrace their bodies, grief for the current state of affairs, relief knowing many people agree, anger at the misogynistic comments, and hope for a better future.