Bradley Cooper, the talented award-winning actor, has made a heartfelt decision to continue living with his mother, Gloria Campano. Despite his fame and wealth, Cooper’s reasons for staying with his mother go far beyond material comfort.

In 2011, Cooper’s father, Charles Cooper, was diagnosed with lung cancer. In a show of love and support, Bradley decided to take a break from acting and dedicate more time to his parents. He wanted to bring joy to his father’s life during his battle with illness.

Tragically, Charles Cooper passed away just five months after moving into his parents’ home. The loss deeply affected the family, and the aftershocks are still felt today. Cooper explained in an interview with the Los Angeles Times in 2013, “My family is quite tight, and my father’s death was devastating for all of us. There was a schism.”

To cope with the loss and support each other, Bradley and his mother continue to rely on one another. They live together, sharing their lives and supporting each other through the complexities of grief. Cooper emphasized, “It’s not like I live in a compound while she stays in a hostel. No. She’s in the next room.”

Despite the difficult circumstances, Bradley Cooper speaks highly of his mother and their relationship. He described her as a “cool lady” who rolls with the punches. Their bond is strong, and they find comfort in being there for each other.

Even during the height of the pandemic in 2020, Campano stayed by her son’s side. Cooper explained in an interview with Anthony Ramos for Interview Magazine, “I’m with my daughter, mother, and two dogs, and we haven’t left the house.” He further shared that his mother, who was turning 80 and had a colostomy bag, needed extra protection from the virus.

While they take quarantining seriously, they find moments of joy within the confines of their home. Cooper shared, “We live in a little townhouse, thankfully there’s a backyard. I operate a one-man preschool. We get up and conduct swim practice in the bathtub.” These small moments bring light to their lives during challenging times.

It’s not uncommon to see Bradley Cooper’s mother, Gloria Campano, accompanying him to red-carpet events. They have attended prestigious gatherings together, such as the Oscars. In 2019, Campano joined Cooper and his then-girlfriend Irina Shayk, and they continued to share special moments at the 2022 Oscars.

Bradley Cooper’s decision to live with his mother is a testament to the lasting bonds of family love and support. Despite his success, he finds solace and strength in being there for his mother, and she is a valued companion throughout their journey together.