We all love capturing special moments with our cameras, and thanks to the rise of selfies, we can do it even when there’s no one else around. But it seems we’re not the only ones who enjoy posing for the camera. Animals have joined in on the fun too, and one furry friend in particular has captured thousands of hearts with an unforgettable photobomb moment.

Picture this: a man is out on his boat, enjoying the warm sunshine and the sparkling ocean. He decides to take a selfie to capture the beauty of the moment. Little did he know, he was about to get the best photobomb ever recorded.

As the man gets his camera ready, a curious seal jumps out of the water and decides to join him on the boat. Completely unfazed by the human stranger, the seal starts snuggling up to the man’s shoulder.

Now, seals might look cuddly, but they can be quite aggressive. That’s why it’s highly unusual for a seal to approach a human so fearlessly. But this little guy was different. He was friendly and playful, and he wanted to hang out with his new human friend.

In disbelief, the man hits record on his camera to document this incredible moment. He introduces his new friend to the world, saying, “Here’s my new friend.” And what unfolds next is a heartwarming movie clip of an unexpected friendship between a man and a seal.

Watch the video below to see these two adorable pals posing together. It’s a sight that will surely bring a smile to your face.

Share this heartwarming story on Facebook and spread the sunshine to your friends. Let’s celebrate the joy of unexpected connections and the beauty of our animal friends.