The Canada Lynx, also known as Lynx canadensis, is a fascinating species native to the North American continent, including Canada and parts of the United States. Typically, these lynxes have a beautiful light brownish-grey fur coat. However, sporadically, individuals with black fur have been reported. Until recently, no one had managed to capture one of these black-colored lynxes on camera. But in 2022, an incredible stroke of luck changed that.

A researcher from the University of Alberta, Canada, captured some extraordinary pictures of a black Canada Lynx. Thomas Jung, an employee of the Government of Yukon, recorded a video of this elusive creature on his cell phone. The images quickly became a sensation and spread worldwide, drawing attention to this remarkable discovery.

The video was filmed in a rural residential area near the town of Whitehorse in Yukon. From a distance of about 50 meters, the lynx can be seen, minding its own business without causing any trouble. A few people and a dog were nearby, and eventually, the lynx retreated in response to the dog’s barking. Canada Lynx are solitary and secretive beings, preferring to keep to themselves.

Although the video quality was not ideal, experts were able to confirm that the lynx in question was indeed a Canada Lynx. However, due to the grainy visuals, they couldn’t discern many distinctive features. Thomas Jung described the lynx as having a black coat with whitish gray guard hairs, along with whitish gray hairs in the facial ruff and other regions. This unique variation in coat color makes this lynx an incredibly rare and special find.

The Canada Lynx species, in general, exhibits similar coloring, often appearing with silvery gray coats during winter. As the seasons change to summer, their coats frequently transition to a reddish brown hue. The black-coated lynx captured in the video stands out as an extraordinary deviation from the norm.

Thomas Jung speculates that coat variations like these can either be advantageous adaptations or disadvantages that hinder survival. While scientists are still studying the matter, Jung believes that the black coat of the lynx may be a maladaptive trait. During winter hunts, when white snow dominates the landscape, the darker fur could potentially make the lynx more visible and easily spotted by prey.

This incredible footage of the black Canada Lynx has left us awestruck! Such a rare and unique creature deserves our admiration and wonder. We would love to hear your thoughts about this extraordinary discovery in the comments below!