All dogs are beautiful and deserving of love, regardless of their appearance. Sadly, many shelter dogs are constantly overlooked because they don’t fit society’s idea of cuteness. Dutchess, a dog in Orange County Animal Services, was one such case. She was often called “ugly” and ignored by potential adopters due to a slight deformity under her eyes. However, despite the challenges she faced, Dutchess has finally found a family who loves her.

Dutchess was surrendered to the shelter due to a landlord issue. Her slight deformity, which didn’t affect her health, made people pass her by. Comments like “she looks so ugly” and questions about what was wrong with her became all too common. But Dutchess had so much love to give, and it broke everyone’s heart to see her constantly overlooked.

What many people didn’t realize was that Dutchess had a resilient and loving spirit. Every day, she eagerly approached the kennel doors, excited for new possibilities, and never had a bad day. The shelter staff described her as “gentle, sweet, energetic, and extremely intelligent” and even used her as a role model for other dogs.

Thankfully, Dutchess’ life took a turn for the better when Rescue Dogs Dream Inc. took her in and placed her in a foster home. Dutchess was “doing great and so happy to be FREE” according to the rescue organization. She even enjoyed a well-deserved McDonald’s cheeseburger.

After many adoption requests poured in, Dutchess was “pre-adopted” by a loving family. The rescue organization announced her upcoming adoption and mentioned that she would have a new mom and dad who treat their dogs like children. A vet also discovered that Dutchess’ eye growths were uncomfortable and affecting her sight, so they were surgically removed. Following a successful surgery and a swift recovery, Dutchess was finally on her way to her forever home.

Now known as Lena, Dutchess has settled in well with her new family. In March, Rescue Dogs Dream Inc. shared an update stating that she had graduated from level one in her doggie training classes. Her owner describes Lena as sweet and always wanting to play and be around them. Although she still has a habit of counter surfing and helping herself to butter and cheeseburgers from the grill, they are working on correcting that behavior. Lena is a wonderful girl who is deeply loved by her new family.

This heartwarming story serves as a reminder that appearances should never dictate our love and compassion for animals. Orange County Animal Services encourages everyone to visit shelters with an open heart and look beyond the surface. By doing so, we can save lives and make a difference in the world, one dog at a time.

Let’s celebrate Lena’s journey and share this heartwarming news to inspire others to consider adopting a shelter dog. They may look a little different, but they deserve a chance at a loving home too.