Do you remember the classic cartoons and comedy sketches where a mailman would be chased away or barked at by a dog? Well, in reality, delivery workers often form heartwarming friendships with the animals they encounter on their routes. One such heartwarming story comes from the UPS Dogs Facebook page, where drivers share their stories of not only delivering packages but also treats and toys for the dogs they meet along the way.

Katie Newhouser, a UPS driver, has a special love for all the dogs she encounters on her daily route. But there was one dog in particular that captured her heart: Leo, a pit bull. Leo would always greet Katie with barks of excitement as she arrived at the condo complex. In fact, he even jumped into her truck whenever she made a stop.

Katie soon became friends with Leo’s owner, Tina, who shared the story of how her son had found Leo as a puppy and had to bottle-feed him. Katie and Leo developed a special bond, but tragedy struck in July 2017 when Katie received the devastating news that Tina had passed away.

Deeply concerned about Leo’s future, Katie reached out to Tina’s son, Cannon, who was unable to take Leo due to his active duty as a Marine. Without hesitation, Katie made the selfless decision to adopt Leo herself, despite already having three dogs of her own. Leo was initially confused about his new living situation, but he quickly adapted and formed an inseparable bond with his new brother, Moose. Even Leo’s sister, Bailey, eventually warmed up to him, and now they all play together. Leo’s presence has truly changed the atmosphere of Katie’s home in the most delightful way.

Katie shared this heartwarming news on the UPS Dogs Facebook page, and the response was overwhelming. Thousands of people celebrated Leo finding his new home with someone who adores him. Although Leo still misses his mom, Tina, he has found love and a forever home with Katie.

Leo’s story is a testament to the incredible bond between humans and animals. He brings joy and love to everyone he meets, leaving smiles on their faces. Let’s share this heartwarming tale and brighten the lives of our loved ones today.

Watch the adorable video below to learn more about Leo’s journey.