Howie Mandel

Howie Mandel, the beloved prankster and judge on America’s Got Talent, has been pulling off hilarious stunts since he was a teenager. In fact, he was even expelled from high school for executing one of the most brilliant pranks of all time. Let’s dive into the story that showcases Howie’s mischievous side.

During a recent interview on Jeff Dunham’s program in 2021, the 67-year-old comedian shared the details of his infamous prank. It all started when young Howie was casually flipping through the Yellow Pages and stumbled upon a building company. With no plan in mind, he decided to give them a call. Without altering his voice, he confidently introduced himself, saying, “My name’s Howie Mandel.”

Yellow Pages

Amusingly, Howie discovered that being authentic and not trying too hard is the key to success, both in his career and in everyday life. Without missing a beat, he continued the conversation with the person on the other end of the line. “I’m calling about this school,” he continued, “We’d like to make an extension to the library, about 40 feet onto the western field. Can you give me a quote on that? Could you tell me when you’ll be there?”

Knowing his math class overlooked the field, Howie cleverly replied, “If you can be there between 2:10 and 2:40, that would be great.” As he sat in his math class, he couldn’t help but sneak glances outside. To his delight, he spotted a guy in the field with a tape measure and a tool belt, diligently executing the prank he had set in motion. But what he didn’t expect was the arrival of the vice principal, who came out to the field to address the mysterious worker.

As Howie giggled in class, the teacher noticed his unusual behavior and tried to get his attention. “Howard, Howard, Howard,” the teacher called out, but Howie simply replied, “Nothing, I’m sorry.” He couldn’t reveal the reason behind his amusement or that he had orchestrated the entire scenario without informing anyone. Within minutes, the announcement came over the school’s loudspeakers: “Will Howard Mandel please come down to the office.”

School Playground

This wasn’t the first time Howie had found himself in trouble due to his mischievous endeavors. In fact, he had previously been dismissed from another school for throwing a chocolate bar into the pool. But despite facing consequences for his pranks, Howie’s love for humor only grew stronger.

In a 2015 interview with Streets of Toronto, Howie candidly admitted, “Getting in trouble was fun for me. I didn’t need an audience.” His misadventures continued to shape his future as a comedian. During a 2019 interview with Houston Matters presenter Craig Cohen, Howie revealed that he had been “asked to leave” three different schools. Little did he know that everything he had been punished for, expelled for, and even physically hit for would eventually become his source of success and fame.

Howie Mandel’s story is a testament to the fact that sometimes, breaking the rules and embracing our mischievous side can lead to incredible things. His pranks may have caused him some trouble in the past, but they have also brought joy and laughter to countless people around the world. So let’s raise a toast to Howie, the prankster extraordinaire, who turned his childhood misadventures into a lifelong career filled with laughter and entertainment.