Howie Mandel Opens Up About His Mental Health Struggles

In a raw and heartfelt interview on “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” beloved comedian and television personality Howie Mandel courageously shared his personal battles with mental illness. In shedding light on his struggles, Mandel aimed to break the silence and challenge the stigma surrounding mental health.

While Mandel may appear jovial and lighthearted on the outside, he revealed that behind closed doors, he often grapples with the weight of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These conditions have plagued him since childhood, shaping his perspective and causing him to feel like an outsider.

At 65 years old, Mandel admitted that his celebrity status has, in fact, exacerbated his mental health challenges. He bravely confessed, “I’m heavily medicated.” His openness left host Kelly Clarkson in disbelief, highlighting the stark contrast between Mandel’s public persona and his private reality.

Having struggled silently for most of his life, Mandel’s decision to disclose his mental health journey in 2006 was not an easy one. Fears of embarrassing his family and concerns over his employability plagued his thoughts. Yet, he overcame these fears, recognizing the importance of bringing mental health issues into the spotlight.

Humor has been a lifeline for Mandel throughout his darkest moments, an avenue for both coping and connection. As he reflected on his journey, he shared, “My coping skill is finding the funny. If I’m not laughing, then I’m crying.” Comedy became his saving grace, providing solace in the midst of turmoil. However, he also acknowledged that his reliance on humor was an imperfect solution and that he needed to explore other avenues for healing.

The COVID-19 pandemic presented an additional layer of stress for Mandel. The constant fear of the unknown weighed heavily on his mind, amplifying his existing anxieties. Mandel shared, “There isn’t a waking moment of my life when ‘we could die’ doesn’t come into my psyche.” The global turmoil served as a trigger, plunging him into what he described as absolute hell.

Despite Mandel’s public persona as a jokester, he emphasized that behind the scenes, his battle with severe depression continues. He yearns for others to understand the gravity of his condition, beyond the surface-level observations they make. Mandel elaborated, “People see inconsistencies, especially in the media… I can shake your hand. But then I’d think I didn’t wash it well enough. And I’d go back and forth in a loop washing my hands for hours.” He conveyed the pain that accompanies these struggles, urging society to approach mental health with compassion rather than judgment.

Mandel’s decision to speak openly about his mental health journey stems from his life’s mission to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental illness. By sharing his story, he hopes to inspire understanding and empathy within others. Mandel recognizes that the road ahead won’t be easy, but he remains hopeful that by shining a light on his own battles, he can help others find solace in moments of light and free themselves from the clutches of darkness.

Through his authenticity and transparency, Howie Mandel has become an advocate for those fighting similar battles in silence. His words serve as a reminder that mental health struggles can affect anyone, regardless of external appearances. Together, we can work towards a world where compassion triumphs over judgment, and where individuals like Mandel can find the support they need to thrive.