Steve Irwin, fondly known as ‘The Crocodile Hunter,’ left an indelible mark on the world. His tragic departure in 2006, at such a young age, sent shockwaves through the hearts of people around the globe. Now, almost 12 years later, his wife, Terri Irwin, has opened up about Steve’s death in a heartfelt interview.

In a recent episode of the Australian television series “Anh’s Brush With Fame,” Terri shared an emotional announcement. Although the purpose of her appearance was to promote her anti-culling campaign, the conversation inevitably turned to her late husband. Terri revealed that Steve always had a sense that his life would be cut short: “He never thought he’d have a long life.”

Unfortunately, Steve’s premonition came true during the filming of “Ocean’s Deadliest” in Queensland, Australia. A stingray unexpectedly struck him in the chest with its barb, tragically ending his life. Terri vividly recalls the moment she received the devastating news: “I just remember this incredible sense of responsibility, this feeling of overwhelming grief but ‘what do I do next?’”

With tears welling up in her eyes, Terri shared the last moment she saw her husband at the airstrip, waving goodbye. Little did she know that it would be their final farewell. The grief she has carried for the past 11 years remains a constant companion, sometimes unexpectedly overwhelming her. Yet, Terri acknowledges that she also feels fortunate to have experienced her “happily ever after” with the wildlife warrior.

Terri’s admiration for Steve extends beyond their personal connection. Despite his fame and recognition over the years, Steve never let it go to his head. “Famous wasn’t a word that occurred to Steve,” Terri reminisced. She is especially proud that the proceeds from their endeavors have always been dedicated to wildlife conservation. It is this humility and dedication to their shared mission that continues to endear Steve to people worldwide.

While Steve’s passing left a void that can never be filled, his legacy lives on through his devoted wife and two wildlife enthusiast children, Bindi and Robert. The outpouring of love and support following Steve’s untimely death would have undoubtedly surprised him. Terri reflects on this: “No one would’ve been more surprised than Steve at the outpouring of grief and love.”

The world continues to be captivated by Steve’s memory, and rightfully so. His incredible passion for wildlife inspired countless individuals to appreciate and protect the natural world. As his family carries forward his mission, Steve’s impact will endure, reminding us of the deep love and connection we can have with the animal kingdom.