Former President Jimmy Carter has taken a remarkable step towards a sustainable future by building a solar farm in his hometown of Plains, Georgia. With a total of 3,852 solar panels spread across 10 acres of land, this solar farm now powers half of the entire city, providing an inspiring example of clean energy innovation in action.

Carter, known for his unwavering dedication to clean energy, installed 32 thermal solar panels on the roof of the White House during his presidency in 1979. Although these panels were later removed, Carter’s vision was finally realized with the creation of the solar farm in Plains, Georgia.

Solar power has gained support from other U.S. Presidents as well. Both President George Bush and President Barack Obama installed solar panels at the White House. President Obama further reinstated solar panels on the White House roof in 2014, highlighting the significance and potential of solar energy.

“A generation from now, this solar heater can either be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of a road not taken or it can be a small part of one of the greatest and most exciting adventures ever undertaken by the American people; harnessing the power of the sun to enrich our lives as we move away from our crippling dependence on foreign oil.” – Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter

Powering a Community with Sunshine

Carter’s solar farm consists of an impressive array of 3,852 solar panels, generating 1.3 megawatts of power on a sunny day. This energy supply meets 50% of Plains, Georgia’s electricity needs. While one megawatt typically powers 400-900 homes, solar panels may produce slightly less energy in practice.

“Distributed, clean energy generation is critical to meeting growing energy needs around the world while fighting the effects of climate change. I am encouraged by the tremendous progress that solar and other clean energy solutions have made in recent years and expect those trends to continue.” – Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter

Leading the Way and Involving the Community

Through a partnership with SolAmerica, Carter transformed his vision into a reality. This Atlanta-based energy company believes that Carter’s solar farm is a significant step forward, and they hope that the rest of the United States will follow suit. The project serves as an example of how renewable energy sources can benefit both the environment and local communities. By leasing his land to the solar energy company, Carter has helped decrease costs for the residents of Plains, Georgia, making clean energy more accessible to all.

“There remains a great deal of untapped potential in renewable energy in Georgia and elsewhere in the U.S. We believe distributed solar projects like the Plains project will play a big role in fueling the energy needs of generations to come.” – George Mori, Executive Vice President at SolAmerica

Solar Farming Revolution in the USA

The United States has been at the forefront of solar farming technology, leading the way for the rest of the world. California, in particular, has been at the forefront with 3.3 gigawatts (GW) of solar energy installed in 2018, accounting for 14% of the state’s total energy production. Examples of solar farms in California, such as Solar Star in Kern and Los Angeles Counties, Topaz Solar Farm in Carrizo Plain of San Luis Obispo County, and Ivanpah Solar in Clark Mountain, have transformed the renewable energy production landscape in the country.