September is bringing us a special treat in the night sky – a full moon known as the “harvest moon.” As summer wraps up and fall starts to show its colors, the harvest moon arrives to brighten our nights.

When can you see the full harvest moon?

You can catch the full moon illuminating the skies on the evening of Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 10:35 PM E.T., according to NASA. This luminous orb will appear full from Monday evening through Thursday morning. Adding to the excitement, this full moon will showcase a partial lunar eclipse.

What is a lunar eclipse?

A lunar eclipse happens when Earth gets between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow that dims and reddens the moon. For this event, the moon will start entering Earth’s partial shadow at 8:41 PM E.T., and the full shadow at 10:13 PM. The eclipse will end with the moon leaving the full shadow at 11:16 PM, and the partial shadow by Wednesday morning at 12:47 AM.

The harvest moon is also a supermoon

This year’s harvest moon is extra special because it’s also a supermoon. A supermoon happens when the moon is at or near its closest point to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter than usual.

Why is it called the harvest moon?

The term “harvest moon” comes from the Old Farmer’s Almanac. It dates back to the 1930s and refers to the full moon appearing around the time when farmers harvested their crops. This moon rises shortly after sunset for several evenings, providing bright moonlight that extended the time for farmers to gather their crops. The harvest moon can fall in September or October, depending on its proximity to the autumnal equinox. Additionally, another moon that might occur in September is the “corn moon,” which marks the gathering of main staple crops such as corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice.

What zodiac sign is the harvest moon in September?

Astrologically, the sign of each full moon changes based on its position in the sky relative to the astrological signs. This year, the harvest moon is in Pisces, a water sign known for its intuitive and spiritual qualities. It’s opposite Virgo, an earth sign. According to Thomas, this alignment emphasizes both physical and mental health, grounding us while opening us up to higher realms.

Rituals and manifestations to try during the harvest moon

Many cultures celebrate the cycles of the moon, finding ways to honor and harness its power. While a full moon is often a time for manifesting dreams, Thomas advises against doing so during an eclipse. He describes eclipse energy as chaotic and high-powered. Instead, he suggests using this time for deep self-reflection and asking meaningful questions of yourself and the universe.

Astrology horoscope for the harvest moon for your zodiac sign

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Relax and recharge, Aries! This is a great time to tune into your intuition. Listen closely to what the universe is telling you.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Get social, Taurus! This moon highlights your social connections, so enjoy spending time with friends, whether you’re attending an event or meeting new people.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Reach for the stars, Gemini! Your professional life is in the spotlight, and this could mean a promotion, new job offer, or other career advancement. Keep working hard!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Broaden your horizons, Cancer! You might feel inspired to explore new territories, whether traveling or planning future adventures.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

A financial opportunity may be on the horizon, Leo! You might find news regarding significant monetary events like a bonus, scholarship, or valuable investment coming your way.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Focus on your relationships, Virgo! This eclipse could bring significant changes, like moving in together, making commitments, or even tying the knot.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Stay productive, Libra! The eclipse is boosting your efficiency. Whether you’re finishing a big project or starting a new job, expect to be busy.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Dive into creativity, Scorpio! This moon shines on romance, passion, art, beauty, and even fertility. Let your creative juices flow.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

A big change is coming, Sagittarius! Whether it’s moving, redecorating, or a family shift, be prepared for a home-related transition.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Focus on communication, Capricorn! This eclipse energizes your mind. You might find yourself working on writing, speaking, or other communication projects.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Expect financial shifts, Aquarius! Money matters could come into focus, potentially bringing new sources of income or better investment opportunities.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Step into the spotlight, Pisces! This is your time to shine. An important personal goal or relationship development might come to fruition. Embrace your uniqueness and talents.