Men typically enjoy making eye contact when conversing with women, especially those they find attractive. So, when a man avoids it, there is usually a meaningful reason behind this behavior.

Here are some of the most significant and honest meanings behind why a man might avoid eye contact with a woman:

1. He is sad or angry about something

Emotional expressions change around the eyes, conveying feelings to others. Avoiding eye contact is often a way to hide these feelings, particularly negative emotions. If a man avoids making eye contact, he might be trying to conceal feelings of sadness or anger so as not to worry you or to avoid appearing vulnerable. He could be upset about something that happened, or he might be angry with you and trying to avoid confrontation.

2. He Might Be Attracted To You

Another reason he might avoid eye contact is attraction. He might feel embarrassed and not want you to notice his interest. Sometimes, you can gauge this by his eye movements and if he looks you in the eye briefly but often looks away quickly.

3. He is shy or introverted

Shyness is a common reason a man might avoid eye contact. Many shy individuals, particularly introverts or those with social anxiety, tend to avoid making eye contact. This might be because they feel uncomfortable with new people or environments, or they want to avoid awkward moments. It’s important to know that shy people might avoid eye contact whether they like you or not. The best approach with such individuals is to take things slowly and get to know them better. Once they’re comfortable around you, eye contact might come more naturally.

4. He’s intimidated by you

Even if he’s not typically shy, he might avoid eye contact if he feels intimidated by you in some way. This could be due to your confidence and success or because you hold a position of authority over him, such as being his superior at work. Sometimes, he might struggle with low self-esteem and believe he’s not good enough for you, leading him to fear making a fool of himself when speaking with you.

5. He doesn’t want to interact with you

In some cases, avoiding eye contact might simply indicate that he’s not interested in interacting with you. He might find the conversation boring or feel uncomfortable in the current environment, using avoidance as a way out. It can be challenging to discern if he’s disinterested solely based on lack of eye contact, so looking for other signs like a nervous smile, uncomfortable body posture, or scanning the room for someone else can help provide clarity.

6. He Doesn’t Like You

If a man doesn’t like you but thinks you’re unaware of it, he’ll likely avoid direct eye contact. Should he be a generally good guy, he might let you continue talking without indicating his disinterest. However, the lack of eye contact usually means he’s not invested in the conversation.

7. He is involved with someone else

When a man avoids eye contact, it might mean he’s already involved with someone else. If he refrains from looking you in the eye, he could be signaling that he’s in a relationship or interested in someone else. This avoidance is often a way to communicate boundaries subtly.

8. He is hiding something from you

Avoiding eye contact can also be a sign of deception. If a man suddenly stops making eye contact, he might be hiding something and feeling guilty. This avoidance helps him evade feeling judged or exposed. He might also be trying to avoid getting caught in a lie, which could lead to confrontation. Along with lack of eye contact, other signs of deception include fidgeting, tense posture, saying too little or too much, and becoming defensive.