1. He Will Not Give You Attention Anymore

Attention in a relationship is a clear indicator of its health and vitality. If your partner has stopped giving you the attention he once did, it could be a sign that he’s no longer interested in the relationship.

2. He Won’t Return Your Calls

Communication is key to any successful and lasting relationship. If your man avoids conversations, doesn’t call, or fails to return your calls after seeing missed ones, it’s a sign that he might not need you in his life anymore.

3. Lack of Appreciation

A man who values you will show appreciation, cherish you, and express happiness for having you in his life. If he used to appreciate you but has stopped recently, it suggests something might be wrong.

4. He Won’t Spend Time With You Anymore

If he avoids spending any time with you and frequently skips activities that bring you both together, it shows he’s possibly no longer in love.

5. No Intimacy

If your partner avoids intimacy like kissing, petting, or making love, it’s a strong indication that he’s lost interest. This often means he might be seeing someone else or is no longer in love with you.

6. Less Value

When your partner no longer considers your feelings and acts without regard to how his actions affect you, it’s a glaring sign that he’s no longer interested in you.

7. Always Picking a Fight

If your man is frequently picking fights with you over nothing, nags, argues, or shouts for no reason, it shows his frustration and desire for a break from the relationship. If he were still in love, he wouldn’t act this way.

8. Too Many Excuses

If he starts giving more and more excuses, especially when you need his attention, it’s a big red flag. Whether it’s claiming he’s busy, has traveled, or inventing stories to stay away, this behavior shows he’s no longer in love with you.