When someone has a family heirloom, it’s their responsibility to safeguard it and pass it down through generations.

But for one woman, this plan hit a snag when her new husband suggested a different approach.

Seeking advice on Reddit, the 35-year-old woman shared her predicament. It revolves around her family tradition of gifting an emerald necklace to the eldest child on their 14th birthday. Her daughter, Emily, is set to receive this cherished necklace on her 14th birthday in January 2024.

The woman, who has been married to her husband Joey for two years, explained that they’ve been together for four years and both have daughters from previous relationships.

Although Joey was aware of the family tradition and understood her plan to give the necklace to Emily, he made a surprising suggestion during a discussion about Christmas gifts.

Joey proposed that his daughter, Sophia, should receive the emerald jewelry instead. He believed this would be a way for the woman to show her acceptance of Sophia as her daughter. The woman, uncomfortable with this suggestion, explained that Emily was already aware of this tradition and was eagerly awaiting the necklace. However, Joey remained obstinate and refused to change his mind.

He went as far as to accuse his wife of favoritism, calling her selfish and insisting she could simply buy another necklace for Emily on Amazon! Despite this, the woman held her ground and insisted that the family heirloom would go to Emily, regardless of Joey’s wishes.

Joey, clearly unhappy, gave her the silent treatment except when the children were around.

Joey then involved his mother and sister, who supported his belief that the necklace should go to Sophia, further straining the woman’s marriage.

Feeling the pressure, the woman turned to Reddit for opinions on whether her stance was justified. To no surprise, Reddit users overwhelmingly supported her!

One person commented: “You’re not favoring one child over another. Emily is your child, and the necklace belongs to her. Your stepdaughter is not entitled to it. I would have told him his daughter can get a knockoff from Amazon if it’s that important to him.”

They added: “That said, you need to store the necklace safely, perhaps in a bank box, because it could ‘disappear’ or be ‘accidentally’ broken once Emily gets it.”

Another agreed: “It needs to be locked up so neither your stepdaughter nor your husband can access it. Sit down with Emily, explain why you’re doing this, and ensure she knows it’s for safekeeping.”

What are your thoughts on this situation? Would you have made the same decision as this woman? Share your thoughts in the comments!