When we first start a relationship, everything is filled with love and positive energy, which is noticeable to everyone around us.

However, as time goes by, people tend to reveal their true selves, and you might start spotting some red flags.

If you’ve begun noticing certain behaviors that make you feel uncomfortable, we’re here to help.

Here are some signs of disrespectful behavior in a relationship that you should never ignore.

1. Your Partner Ignores Your Boundaries

A disrespectful partner may not respect your boundaries and limits. For instance, if your significant other knows that public displays of affection make you uncomfortable but still insists on kissing you in public, they are disregarding your limits.

2. Your Partner Snoops

Even in a long-term relationship or marriage, you’re entitled to your privacy. Your partner has no right to invade your personal space, which includes checking your text messages, emails, or bank account without permission.

3. Your Partner Flirts with Others

Flirting with people outside of the relationship can be a major sign of disrespect. Most of us would feel embarrassed or awkward if we found out our partner was flirting with someone else.

4. They Don’t Respect Your Opinions

A healthy relationship allows for differing opinions. If your partner frequently dismisses your thoughts as stupid or ignorant, it’s a clear sign they don’t view you as an equal.

5. They Criticize or Insult You

Negative comments, backhanded compliments, and hurtful criticism have no place in a respectful relationship. Your partner doesn’t have to agree with everything you say or do, but hurtful comments are a no-go if they truly care about you.

6. They Take You for Granted

In a respectful relationship, partners appreciate the little things you do for them. They don’t just assume you’ll always be there to make their life easier. For instance, if you regularly cook dinner, your partner should say, “Thank you,” even if you’ve been married for years.

7. They Compare You to Others

Healthy relationships thrive on appreciating each other’s unique traits. Comparison to others can trigger insecurities and has no place in a respectful bond.

8. They Make Big Decisions Without You

A respectful partner involves you in major decisions, like where to live or significant financial choices. If your partner makes these decisions alone, they are basically saying, “I don’t value your opinion and will do what I want.”

9. They Are Unfaithful

Cheating in a monogamous relationship is a blatant sign of disrespect. It undermines the commitment you both have made to each other.

10. They Are Too Close to Their Ex-Partner

Some people maintain friendly relationships with their exes, and that can be okay. However, if your partner frequently talks to or spends a lot of time with their ex, it’s a sign that they are not fully respecting your current relationship. You might feel that their ex is getting too much of their time and attention.