When our eyesight isn’t what it used to be, it often signals underlying issues that can sometimes be managed or even improved.

How well you see from a distance can greatly depend on how you care for your eyes.

Low vision is a condition where you can’t see as well as you used to, and it can’t be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. Although you aren’t completely blind, your vision is impaired. Low vision can manifest as blind spots, poor night vision, or blurred vision and is often the result of age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, or diabetes.

Fortunately, you can take steps to care for your eyes at home. Today, let’s explore how a blend of apple, carrot, and orange can support your eye health and help maintain your eyesight.

Here’s how you can make this beneficial morning drink:

1. Take an orange and extract the juice by either draining or squeezing it.

2. Chop the apple and carrots into manageable pieces.

3. Blend the apple and carrot with a small amount of water.

4. Combine the apple-carrot mixture with the freshly squeezed orange juice.

5. Enjoy this drink in the morning.

Drinking this mixture regularly in the morning may help restore some of your vision over time. After all, our eyes are like the body’s windows to the world, so it makes sense to keep them in good condition. Once you’ve incorporated this drink into your routine, remember to visit your eye doctor to monitor your progress and ensure your eyesight is improving.