There are many benefits to drinking water before bed. Science has discovered several advantages. You need to understand each one and see how well they work for you. Drinking water might lead to more trips to the bathroom, potentially affecting your sleep, so it’s good to be aware of the benefits to determine if it’s worth it.

The benefits of drinking water before bed include:

1. Improved Mood

According to a 2014 study, lacking water can negatively impact your mood, affecting your overall sleep-wake cycle.

The study observed 52 individuals, divided into two groups: 22 with high fluid intake and 30 with low fluid intake. Those who usually drank plenty of water felt less calm and experienced fewer positive emotions when their water intake was reduced.

Conversely, individuals with low fluid intake reported increased positive emotions, satisfaction, and calmness when they drank more water.

2. Healthier Skin

If you struggle with dull and sagging skin, dehydration could be the culprit. For glowing skin, it’s important to stay hydrated.

Worried about wrinkles? A simple remedy is to keep yourself hydrated. Since you lose water while sleeping, drinking water before bed can help maintain your skin’s moisture.

3. Better Control of Body Temperature

Do you often wake up feeling too hot or too cold at night? A restful sleep may seem unattainable. Drinking water before bed might assist in regulating your body’s temperature.

The CDC supports the notion that water helps control body temperature. The more dehydrated you are, the more likely you are to feel hot or cold. Remember, your body loses water at night, so you need to stay hydrated.

4. Better Heart Performance

Your heart is composed of 73% water. It requires ample hydration to pump blood efficiently throughout your body. Dehydration forces your heart to work harder, so staying hydrated is crucial.

Your heart operates around the clock, pumping 2,000 gallons of blood daily. Drinking enough water supports your heart, enhancing blood circulation. This improved circulation helps your muscles function better, especially beneficial during physical activities or workouts.

5. Natural Cleanser

Drinking water, particularly hot or warm water, is a natural way to detoxify the body and improve digestion.

Warm water boosts blood circulation, aids in breaking down waste, and increases sweat production. While sweating at night causes fluid loss, it also helps expel excess salts and toxins, cleansing your skin cells.

Consuming warm water before bed keeps you hydrated through the night, assisting in eliminating unwanted toxins. It might also relieve stomach pain or cramps.

If plain water seems tasteless or you’re combating a cold, try adding lemon to your bedtime water. This not only enhances the flavor but also provides vitamin C, boosting your immune system’s ability to fight infections.