You probably didn’t know that taking a shower during a thunderstorm can be dangerous. It’s not only showers that pose a risk; even washing dishes or using certain plugged-in electronic devices during a storm can be hazardous.

Why You Should Never Take a Shower During a Thunderstorm

If you’ve never thought about it, here are a few reasons why it’s best to steer clear of the shower when the skies are rumbling.

1. Water Pipes Are Good Conductors of Electricity

First off, water pipes in your home, especially those made of metal, are excellent conductors of electricity. If lightning happens to strike your home or somewhere nearby, the electrical charge can travel through the plumbing.

This means that anyone using water at that moment could be at risk of harm. The electricity can travel through the pipes and into the water you’re using, which can be dangerous.

2. Water Itself Conducts Electricity

Another reason to avoid showers during a thunderstorm is that water, particularly when it has minerals and impurities, is an excellent conductor of electricity. If lightning strikes, it can electrify the water in your shower.

This is especially dangerous if you are in the shower when this happens. The electrical charge can travel through the water and possibly cause serious harm or even be fatal.

3. Proximity to Electrical Fixtures

One more reason to forgo that shower during a storm is the presence of metal fixtures, such as faucets and showerheads, which can conduct electricity. Being in contact with these fixtures during a thunderstorm can give you an electric shock, adding to the list of risks.

So, as you can see, being in the shower or using any water-based or electrical appliance during a storm carries a high risk of electrocution. This can lead to severe injury or even death.

To stay safe, it’s best to avoid any activity related to water and electrical devices during a thunderstorm. As mentioned, this means not just showers but also using sinks, dishwashers, or washing machines. Safety first, always!