Heart attacks have, unfortunately, become quite common these days. The scary part is that they can happen without warning. While we hope you never face such a situation, it is important to be prepared. Knowing what to do could save your life or that of someone else in the event of a heart attack.

In this article, you will learn some essential steps to take if you are ever faced with a heart attack.

Take a moment to read the following advice and watch the video below. It could significantly improve your chances of surviving until help arrives.

The most common reaction when someone suspects they are having a myocardial infarction is to panic. Unfortunately, panic often leads to falling unconscious within a few seconds. However, if you keep calm and respond correctly, you can buy precious time that could save your life.

Remember to call an ambulance first! After you’ve called for professional help, you need to start coughing forcefully!

Your first action should always be to call an ambulance. Don’t delay. After that, begin to cough forcefully. What you need to do is take deep, strong breaths as though you have chest congestion and then cough deeply, extending the exhale. This technique might just keep you alive.

Here’s why this coughing technique works: By taking deep breaths, you are sending oxygen into your lungs. Coughing exerts pressure on your heart, which helps keep the blood circulating. This pressure helps to normalize the heart’s rhythm, potentially saving your life or that of another person until professional medical help arrives.

Memorize this advice. In such a critical situation, a quick and calm response can make all the difference. Keep yourself or someone else alive by staying calm and remembering the steps.

Check out the video below to see how to perform this breathing technique correctly.