Life is short – so NEVER take the people close to us for granted. Nothing feels worse than losing someone dear to you, and realizing it too late.

This touching story is a strong reminder of that. A year after leaving his wife, this man arrived at a vital realization, but alas, it was already too late. He is now left with deep remorse for the remainder of his life.

Here is his story, which carries a powerful moral:

“In life, we go through many phases.

A year ago, I divorced my wife. I left her for a woman who appeared more attractive at the time.

My ex-wife had put on weight and had cellulite and stretch marks. Her chest and abdomen had begun to sag.

She stopped combing her hair, which was often a mess.

She didn’t wear makeup and usually went out in worn-out shoes.

She never painted her nails and seldom shaved.

She stopped wearing a bra and didn’t trim her eyebrows.

In essence: I no longer found her attractive. The vibrant woman I once fell in love with became just a memory.

Exactly a year after I left her, I encountered the woman I used to call my wife.

She glowed with happiness and had lost significant weight.

Her lips were adorned with bright lipstick, and her dress looked stunning on her.

Her body still showed signs of having given birth to our three children.

That was the moment I began to reflect on her weight gain, which was due to her recent pregnancy. Although her belly was larger, it had given me the most precious gifts of life.

Her cellulite? She didn’t have time for gym workouts because she was devoted to caring for our children around the clock.

She didn’t have the time to style her hair, shave, or put on makeup daily.

She chose not to wear a bra to make breastfeeding our little boy easier.

She cooked, cleaned, ironed, and handled everything with a smile.

She loved her family and found joy in her life.

So, I want to share this with you today.

I learned firsthand what having a real wife at home means, but I blew it. I discarded her.

I traded true beauty for something superficial and failed to appreciate her genuine happiness and dedication as my wife and the mother of our children.

Now, she spends her time with our youngest son, Benjamin, who is only one year old. The other two, aged three, don’t need as much attention as before.

So, she now has more time for herself. She realized she didn’t need a fool like me to see her worth.

I didn’t understand it then, and now it’s too late.”

The real beauty lies within.

This is a crucial lesson that this man learned only when it was far too late.