Dear ladies, it’s important to recognize the signs if your husband may no longer be in love with you. The more signs you notice, the more likely it is that his feelings have changed.

He Stops Asking About Your Life

There was a time when you both enjoyed talking about your days and sharing details about your lives. But those conversations have dwindled. You might try to engage in these chats, but he seems disinterested in your day, work, friends, or family. The noticeable lack of interest in your life is quite telling.

He Has Withdrawn All Affection

In many marriages, physical affection is common—whether it’s a daily hug, cuddling on the couch, or sharing a kiss in the morning or before bed. However, your husband has stopped doing any of these things. If you try to show affection, he pulls away, indicating a lack of love and emotional connection in the marriage.

He Doesn’t Instigate Physical Intimacy

Your physical relationship has suffered too. He no longer shows interest in being intimate, leaving you to initiate most encounters. Even when intimacy happens, it’s devoid of emotional connection, resembling more of a duty than a shared experience.

He is Never Happy, No Matter What You Do

Despite your best efforts to please him, he always finds something to complain about. Gratitude seems to have vanished from his side, taking you for granted. He still expects recognition for his smallest efforts, getting upset if you fail to acknowledge them.

He Disrespects You in Many Little Ways

His actions speak volumes—going out without informing you, lying about trivial matters, or spending money behind your back. These small acts of disrespect collectively indicate a lack of love. Respect is a cornerstone of a happy marriage, and its absence can signal a downhill journey.

He Flirts with Other Women

He openly flirts with other women, sending a clear message: he finds them attractive, but not you. This behavior might even lead you to suspect infidelity or discover evidence of it. Actions speak louder than words, and his behavior might show a divided attention and affection.