Being in a romantic relationship often comes with the expectation that things will go smoothly. We know there will be bumps along the way, but we hope to navigate them together, through thick and thin. Unfortunately, sometimes the worst happens, like when a partner is unfaithful. This can be devastating, leading to feelings of depression, low self-esteem, and severe trust issues.

Betraying the trust of someone who cares for you is one of the worst things one can do. When they learn of the infidelity, their reaction can be extreme—ranging from anger to sorrow. Sometimes, though, people respond in ways that garner applause. That’s exactly what happened when a woman named Melanie decided to write an open letter on Facebook after discovering her husband’s infidelity.

Melanie began her open letter by thanking the mistress for revealing her husband’s true character, thus saving her and her children from further heartbreak.

She then humorously laid out some ground rules for the mistress to follow. She sarcastically referred to her husband as a ‘prize’ and made it clear that all the money was hers.

With a witty twist, she mentioned that her husband would need new clothes since his old ones disappeared into a ‘massive black hole’ after she found the love bites he had hidden.

The letter took an intriguing turn when she stated that her husband would have limited contact with their children and that the mistress would have no contact at all.

One can only wonder what the mistress thought as she read this. The letter likely painted a very different picture of the man than she had expected.

Melanie clearly put a lot of thought into this letter. You can almost feel the guilt the mistress might have felt while reading it.

It’s tough to come to terms with the fact that you might have been wrong about someone.

The mistress might not have regretted her actions before, but after reading this letter, she likely did!