Paige cherished her career, even though it meant being away from home where her son Mason and husband Victor lived. Through thick and thin, Paige and Victor had strengthened their marriage, despite the heartbreak of multiple miscarriages.

For Paige, Victor was a supportive husband who was always there for her after the miscarriages.

“It’s okay, Paige,” Victor would reassure. “We’ll have our baby when the time is right. If not, there are other options.”

When baby Mason was born, they were over the moon. His successful delivery made him the center of their world.

“Mason is a lucky kid,” Victor said. “He is incredibly loved.”

As a chief executive of a brand, Paige’s job required frequent travel, often leaving her husband and son alone. Yet, she felt at ease, knowing Victor was a perfect father for Mason.

“I don’t want a babysitter or a nanny taking care of our son,” Victor would assert.

“If you can handle the days, then the evening shifts are all mine,” Paige would respond.

When Mason turned four and pre-school started, Paige discussed reducing her travel commitments with her boss to spend more time with her son.

However, she was away for three days for meetings, longing to return home to hug her son. After leaving the airport, she headed straight home to her family.

The house was silent as she entered, but then she heard her husband’s voice from upstairs.

“Buddy, you’ve got to promise me one thing, okay?”

“Okay,” Mason replied, “What is it?”

“You have to promise me that you won’t tell Mom what you saw.”

“But I don’t like secrets,” Mason said. “Why can’t I tell Mommy?”

“It’s not a secret, Mason,” Victor explained. “But if we tell Mommy, it will make her sad. Do you want Mommy to be sad, buddy?”

“No, I don’t,” Mason sighed.

In a state of shock, Paige slowly descended the stairs and called out, “Mason! Victor! Mom’s home!”

“We’re here,” Victor responded from upstairs. As Paige went upstairs again, she found her son playing with his toys and Victor sitting on Mason’s bed.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Nothing, honey,” Victor said with a wink. “Just a boys’ chat. Welcome home.”

Victor then stood up, kissed Paige, and said, “Got to get back to work.”

Paige tried to stay calm, but the conversation she had overheard lingered in her mind. What could her husband have kept from her to prevent sadness?

While on her business trip, Paige asked Victor to send photos of Mason. In one of the pictures, she noticed a pair of blue shoes in the background—shoes that did not belong to anyone in their house.

She was stunned but tried to rationalize it. “Maybe a nanny with expensive shoes,” she thought to herself.

When she returned home, she found Mason asleep. Entering his room, she gently kissed him awake. “Hi, baby,” she whispered.

They heard sounds from the bedroom. “Is Daddy not downstairs?” Paige asked.

“Mommy, don’t go in there. It will make you sad,” Mason cautioned his mother.

Paige barged into the bedroom and found her husband with another woman in their bed.

“Paige!” Victor exclaimed, visibly shocked. “It’s not what you think!”

“Do I look that stupid?” Paige retorted as the woman rushed to lock herself in the bathroom.

“I have nothing to say to you,” Paige said firmly.

“What did you expect, Paige?” Victor said defensively. “You’re never here. You’re always traveling, and even when you’re home, your focus is on Mason or work. What about me?”

“I need human contact too,” he added. “And who knows what you get up to while flying all over the country. I bet you have your own stories.”

“No, Victor,” Paige replied calmly. “I’m not like you. My vows meant something to me.”

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