Ever Wondered if Your Guy Has Wanderlust But Not for Travel?

It happens to the best of us. There you are, enjoying your relationship, and suddenly you notice your man is acting a bit… off. Before you start spiraling, here are 10 signs that might just indicate his heart and mind are somewhere else entirely.

1. From Attention to Apathy: The Effort Meter Drop

Remember those times when he would plan cute dates or surprise you with little things? If all of that has vanished like socks in a dryer, it might be because someone new has piqued his interest. Gone are the days he cared about spending quality time with you.

He’s suddenly too busy to go out or share activities you both loved. A classic sign he’s tuning out emotionally.

2. Mysteriously Packed Schedules

Is he suddenly busier than a CEO? His schedule wasn’t like this before, right? If your man constantly has plans that don’t include you, it’s not your imagination. His newfound “busy life” might just be filled with someone else.

3. The Great Distraction: Always On His Phone

If he’s always glued to his phone and distracted when you’re together, you might want to do some detective work. He could be texting or checking social media updates of another woman, even when he’s supposed to be enjoying his time with you.

4. The Vanishing Act of Favorite Activities

Had a Sunday brunch tradition or favorite TV show night? If these routines have suddenly disappeared, it’s a massive neon sign. He’s finding new ways to spend his time, preferably away from you.

5. Let’s Talk About… Not You

If another woman’s name is dropped into conversations more often than yours, alarm bells should be ringing. He talks about her the way he used to talk about you, and we all know where that road leads.

6. The Classic “Just Friends” Line

If he’s spending more time with a new female “friend,