Let’s talk about a classic move from the playbook of certain men: the ‘ignore her to get her’ strategy. Yes, the one where they think playing hard to get will make you crave their attention. Spoiler alert: It normally ends up with them striking out and wondering what went wrong.

This outdated notion says that if a man ignores a woman he likes, she’ll be drawn to him like a moth to a flame. But here’s the kicker—this tactic often achieves the exact opposite of the desired outcome. Really, who knew ignoring someone you’re interested in could be your ticket to Singletown?

Some guys take this to another level, believing that treating a woman poorly will have her chasing them for validation. Oh, the irony! This manipulative trick might get you somewhere with the inexperienced, but guess what? Even then, it’s a long shot.

A real woman knows what she wants.

She’s not interested in playing games. A fulfilled, confident woman doesn’t have time to waste on mixed signals. If you’re ready to be real, love her genuinely, and treat her right, she’ll reciprocate those feelings. But if she catches even a whiff of dishonesty, game over. She’s walking away, and trust me, she won’t look back.

Because she knows that when you really love someone, you can’t just ignore them.

Love isn’t a game where you can take turns sitting on the bench. When you love someone, you show up. You don’t withhold affection to keep the upper hand. A real woman adores being cherished and showered with attention—you know, the good kind. She needs to feel secure and valued, and if you can’t provide that, well, she will find someone who can.

What happens when a man ignores a woman?

Another rookie mistake: guys think that by not showing their true feelings, they’ll maintain some mysterious allure. The reality is that the cornerstone of any thriving relationship is honesty. A real woman treasures honesty above all else, because let’s face it, you can’t build real intimacy with someone who’s playing hide-and-seek with their feelings.

She wants openness, transparency, and vulnerability. She wants to dive deep into your soul, not flounder on the surface wondering what you’re really thinking. So, if you want a real woman by your side, put down that phone and focus on her. Be attentive, caring, and above all, respectful.

Treat her the way she deserves to be treated, and she might just fall head over heels for you. Love, respect, and attention are your heavy hitters here. And get this: when you love her the right way, she returns that love—doubled. So, word to the wise: don’t serve her nonsense if you plan on keeping her around.