Imagine this: A woman is lying on her sick bed, battling an illness. In a tender yet heart-wrenching moment, she turns to her husband and asks, ‘Honey, if I die, how long would it take you before you marry another wife?’

The husband, with all the love and seriousness in his heart, replies, ‘Till your grave becomes dry, my love.’ The weight of his words sinks in, and she’s both comforted and melancholic. ‘Are you promising me this…?’ she inquires once more. ‘Of course, darling… I promise you,’ he assures her.

As fate would have it, the woman passes away. True to his word, her husband begins a ritual of visiting her grave every single day. Grief-stricken yet determined, he bows to his promise. Day after day, week after week, he finds solace in his visits, but there’s something peculiar—it always seems to be wet.

One whole year passes by, with the grave still never becoming dry. His dedication remains unwavering, each visit a testament to his eternal love. And then, one evening, something unexpected happens. As he arrives at the graveyard, he is startled to find his brother-in-law, Jason, standing near the grave.

Confused and curious, he approaches Jason and asks, ‘Jason, what are you doing here?’

Jason, holding back a smile, replies, ‘I’m fulfilling the wish of my only sister. She asked me to come here every day to wet her grave.’

There it was, the revelation! The husband’s promise was ingeniously ensured by a sister’s loving and crafty request. The simple promise, bound by love and loyalty, turned into an extraordinary act of remembrance and dedication, showcasing how love, even from beyond the grave, can create a bond unbreakable and enduring.