Alright, folks, gather around and put on your detective hats because today we’ve got a brain teaser that’s more than meets the eye! We took on this visual puzzle head-on, and boy, was it a rollercoaster. Let’s get right into the thick of it.

Imagine a grid filled with squares—it’s simple, right? But here’s the twist: not all squares are created equal. Some are big, some are small, and others hide in plain sight. Sounds like a job for someone with keen observation skills. Enter: us, armed with Doceri. Yes, we unleashed technology to count these elusive squares, and oh, what a journey it was.

But we’re not just here to tell you about it. We want you to see for yourself! Check out the video below where we documented our square-counting adventure. Trust us, it’s like a visual treasure hunt. Ready to put your eyes to the test? Dive in!

So, how many squares did you find? Go on, give it a shot and count along with us. And if you feel brave enough, why not share a video response? We’d love to see how you tackle this tricky puzzle. Remember, it’s all about fun and games… until someone loses count!

Well, there you have it, folks. The magical world of squares that had us all questioning our counting skills. So dust off those problem-solving skills and dive right in. We’re keeping our calculators handy just in case!

Feel free to share your musings and maybe, just maybe, you’ll spot a square we missed. Let’s make this a community effort, shall we? Happy counting!