Always Turn Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on Your Smartphone When You Are Sleeping. Here’s Why!

Do you pay attention to your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings before you sleep? Do you turn them off, or do you leave them on? Let’s be honest, most people never bother to turn off their Wi-Fi before hitting the sack. But surprise, surprise, this common oversight might be more significant than you think.

According to many experts, you should definitely consider turning these features off while you catch some Z’s. Now, you might be wondering – why bother? Well, first off, leaving these settings on wastes battery life. That’s right, your smartphone is sneakily sipping away on its power reserves, even when you aren’t using it. And, trust me, nobody loves waking up to a phone that’s almost out of juice.

But it’s not just about battery life. While Wi-Fi is undoubtedly awesome, fast, and incredibly useful, it brings along some unwanted baggage. Many experts have conducted studies on this, and the consensus is that it can have a downside, especially for your health. Wi-Fi has been around since 1997 and, since then, numerous studies have delved into this issue. The findings suggest that Wi-Fi exposure can impact our health negatively, even more so in children.

Here’s a little nugget for you: in 2008, the well-renowned publication Scientific American ran an intriguing piece called “Mind Control by Cell Phone.” This article provided a deep dive into the potential dangers Wi-Fi poses to the human brain. No kidding! It’s like a sci-fi movie plot, except it’s real life.

So, here’s a friendly piece of advice – make it a habit to turn off those Wi-Fi and Bluetooth settings before bed. Your phone’s battery and, quite possibly, your brain will thank you. Sweet dreams!