Ever feel like respect in your relationship is harder to find than a missing sock in the laundry? Fear not, because I’m about to reveal six tips that will have your partner bowing to your awesomeness. Brace yourself, it’s going to be a witty ride!

Let’s rocket into respect-land, shall we?

1. Give Love, Not Power

Who doesn’t want love? But here’s the kicker: love is like a superpower. Hand it out generously, but for heaven’s sake, don’t mistake it for a pass to give away your power. If your partner isn’t appreciating all that love you’re showering upon them, it’s time to rethink if they deserve the keys to your superhero heart.

2. Maintain a Balance, Always

Yep, even Cirque du Soleil clowns know the importance of balance. Shower your partner with love, but do not, I repeat, do not put up with bad behavior. Speak up when your better half starts acting like a lesser half. Standing up for your own needs isn’t just about gaining respect—it’s about keeping your sanity intact. Ready for a reality check?

3. Boundaries, Darling!

Ever heard of the saying,