Ever pondered what catches a woman’s eye when she first sees a man? Many men might find themselves questioning: do women actually notice the same things as men do when they see someone new? For men, the face, chest, and butt might come into focus first, followed by a scan of the curves and details. But let’s not label them as superficial just yet—are women really all that different? Time to dive in and unveil the mystery!

1. His Face

Oh, the face! It’s often the first thing that pops out when we’re sizing up someone new. Whether from afar or in a close encounter, that mug of yours is a focal point. And let’s be real, sometimes the body catches our eye first, but the face is always in the top-tier list of first impressions.

2. His Style

Next up, we begin our silent fashion police routine. We take mental notes of your style—your choice in clothing, any tattoos, your hairdo, and yes, even the scent you’re rocking if you’re within sniffing distance. It’s a whole mood board in our minds, determining if your personal style speaks to us.

3. The Details

Beyond the broader strokes, it’s time for the fine print. Eyes, hands, mouth, laugh, face—each detail gets its moment under our inspection. Depending on how you’re dressed, this could extend to your arms, butt, and pretty much anything else visible. Every woman has her personal kryptonite when it comes to these details.

4. His Mannerisms

Body language says a lot! The way a man moves, his friendliness, how he interacts with his friends and anyone around him—these are clues we pick up on almost immediately. Are you approachable or do you give off a ‘keep your distance’ vibe? It all gets quickly sorted into our mental filing cabinet.

5. His Sense of Humor

Got a chance to chat? Oh boy, now you’re entering the big leagues. A man’s sense of humor often plays a huge role. Add confidence, how he talks, his job, and a galaxy of other traits that vary from girl to girl, and you’ve got a recipe for either instant appeal or a fast track to the friend zone.

6. Everything.

If you ever hear a woman say, “The first thing I notice about a man is his hands” or “his eyes,” she’s only half right. In reality, like you gentlemen, we notice everything. Yes, everything. So keep that in mind the next time you’re stepping out into the world.