Every bride dreams of her wedding day being absolutely perfect. You can control the dress, the venue, the catering, and more. But let’s be honest, there’s always a wild card or two that can throw a wrench into the flawless proceedings.

One bride thought she found the ultimate hack to ensure her big day would go off without a hitch. Turns out, not everyone was on board. Strap in and let’s dive into this rollercoaster!

Our story begins with a bride-to-be who turned to Reddit’s AITAH community (that stands for ‘Am I The Asshole’, for those not in the know). She had a burning question: was she being unreasonable? And let me tell you, folks, the internet didn’t hold back.

She kicked off her post explaining that she and her fiancé had sent out a list of rules to their wedding guests. Almost immediately, the RSVPs started coming back as a big, fat “Nope.” But before you immediately label her Bridezilla, she emphasized that her fiancé was just as gung-ho about these rules.

So, what were these earth-shaking rules, you ask? Brace yourself.

Firstly, the couple demanded an ‘unplugged ceremony.’ That means no phones allowed during the ceremony and the following dinner, except for ‘huge’ emergencies. While folks were okay with the no-phones-during-ceremony bit, they recoiled at the idea of a phone-less dinner.

Some guests, especially those leaving their kids at home, argued they needed their phones to check on their little ones. Our bride’s response? Tough luck. She felt that checking on kids was not an emergency. She sagely noted, “If something serious happens, you’ll know.”

The next gem on the list was a strict color scheme and dress code. Only black attire permitted. Women? Dresses. Men? Tuxedos. No exceptions. The bride’s grieving aunt and her body-dysmorphia-suffering sister-in-law were both given a firm, unsympathetic “no” when they asked to bend the rules. Because why not alienate your loved ones on your special day, right?

And let’s not forget the bridesmaids. The couple instructed them to maintain their weight, no matter what. Eat less, eat more—whatever it took, they were to remain the same size to fit into their pre-ordered dresses. Because nothing says “celebration of love” like extreme diet control.

All these rules turned out to be a family uproar. Her mother told her point blank that the wedding was doomed. Bridesmaids threatened mutiny. Guests started canceling left and right.

The drama didn’t stop there. The maid of honor’s daughter, meant to be the flower girl, was nixed from the ceremony. The bride asked for the kid to stay at a hotel with a babysitter instead. Shockingly, this didn’t sit well with the maid of honor, who made alternative plans to leave her daughter with her own mother.

Despite her intentions and forewarnings, the Reddit community overwhelmingly deemed the bride and her fiancé as the unreasonable ones. They pointed out that, yes, a wedding is about the couple’s wishes, but tyrannical demands were pushing it.

All in all, the verdict was crystal clear: this couple was out of line.

If this didn’t make you chuckle, be sure to check out our next piece about an eccentric mother-in-law and her outlandish request involving some dogs.


So, what do you think of this couple and their laundry list of wedding rules? We want to hear your thoughts!