Alright, folks, here’s a recipe that’s going to make your taste buds dance – Fried Potatoes, Onions, and Smoked Polish Sausage! It’s a mouthful in more ways than one, and trust me, it’s worth every bite. This dish is not just a meal; it’s a celebration of flavors, textures, and the sheer joy of sautéing things in butter. So, roll up your sleeves, and let’s get you cooking like a pro!

Prepare the Ingredients

First things first, you’re going to want to dice up those potatoes and slice your sausage as if you’re auditioning for a cooking show. Next, dice the onion and bell peppers. Make them pretty because presentation is half the battle.

Cook the Onions

Grab a large pan and sauté the onions in 1 tablespoon of butter over medium heat until they’re translucent and soft. Think of this part as waking up those sleepy onions. Once they’re awake and in a good mood, remove them from the pan and set them aside.

Cook the Potatoes

Now, in a grand gesture of culinary artistry, heat another tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of olive oil in a large skillet until the butter melts. Add your diced potatoes along with some seasoned salt, Italian seasoning, and black pepper. Cover and cook, giving it a stir every now and then, for about 15 minutes or until the potatoes start feeling soft and comfy.

Add Sausage and Peppers

Next, toss in those sausage slices and cook for another 10 minutes. Add the onions and bell peppers to the skillet and continue sautéing until the peppers reach that tender-crisp perfection. Oh, the smells that will be wafting through your kitchen at this point!

Garnish and Serve

Finally, for that gourmet touch, sprinkle shredded parmesan cheese over the top before serving. It’s optional, but highly recommended because, let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a little cheese?

Cooking Note

If you prefer your sausage to be a little on the crispy side, cook the sausage separately in a pan over medium-high heat until it achieves that delightful crispiness while the potatoes are cooking.

Final Thoughts

There you have it! A dish that combines the heartiness of potatoes, the savory delight of sausage, and the aromatic charm of onions and bell peppers. This recipe isn’t just about feeding your body; it’s about feeding your soul. Serve this up to family or friends, and you’ll be the kitchen hero.

And a little tip from me: don’t rush the process. Cooking, much like life, is about enjoying the journey, not just the destination. Bon appétit!