All natural fruits and vegetables are wonderful for your health, but did you know that some should never be mixed together? Take cucumbers and tomatoes, for instance.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are fantastic for our bodies. Packed with water, antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins, they are often used in salads. However, Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, suggests they shouldn’t be combined. This is due to the different digestion times of these ingredients.

When vegetables that digest quickly are consumed with those that take longer, the faster-digesting ingredient will move on to the intestine before the slower one has fully digested. This mismatch can lead to fermentation in the stomach, producing toxins that may affect your entire body. Slowed digestion can also mean fermentation of sugars and starches, which can lead to discomfort, like gas, bloating, and stomach pain.

Besides cucumbers and tomatoes, there are other food combinations you should avoid:

– Fruits after a meal: Fruits take longer to digest, and if they’re eaten after a meal, they can cause acid reflux and other digestive issues.

– Meat and cheese: These two high-protein foods should not be combined in one meal, as it’s better to consume only one type of protein at a time.

– Macaroni and cheese or macaroni and meat: Despite its popularity, this combination can cause digestive issues. Macaroni contains starch, which has a different digestion time than protein, leading to fermentation and discomfort.

– Veggies and cheese: This combo can increase the risk of bloating.

– Bread or noodles with orange juice: The acid in the juice can destroy the enzyme needed for starch digestion, causing digestive issues.

– Melon and watermelon: These fruits should be eaten alone, as combining them with other foods can be problematic.

– Bananas and milk: This pair is known to slow down digestion.

– Fruits and yogurt: Though commonly enjoyed as a breakfast combo, this pairing can slow digestion and harm the intestinal flora.