Alright ladies, let’s cut to the chase. We know men can have a wandering eye, and while that’s just human nature, entertaining another girl while in a relationship is a big no-no. If your man has started looking around, there might be deeper issues at play. Maybe he’s just thinking, or worse, maybe he’s loving you less. Ouch.

So, instead of tossing and turning at night, drowning in ice cream and tears, why not flip the script? Take this challenge head-on with some prevention and a solid cure: make him love you more.

It’s actually simpler than you think. Here are some surefire ways to keep the love alive.

1. Let Him Have His Own Space

Men adore freedom. It’s crucial to understand just how much space your guy needs. A man who feels free will love you even more and likely give you that same freedom. The golden rule: don’t force him into doing things your way because men, as you might have guessed, aren’t fans of being pushed around.

2. Show Your Love as Much as Possible

Believe it or not, men need reassurance. Those three little words—“I love you”—can make a world of difference. Say it often and show it even more. It’s not just flattering; it builds trust and security in your relationship.

3. Put an Effort to Understand Him

Get on his wavelength. Dive deep into his fears, dreams, and memories. Men feel a special connection to those who truly get them. Show him that you’re interested in understanding his thoughts and feelings. He’ll love you more for it.

4. Do Not Hesitate to Express Closeness

A simple touch can work wonders, especially after a fight. Hold his hand, give him a warm hug, or sneak in a kiss when he’s feeling down. These gestures can heal rifts better than you might think, especially when he’s in a sulky mood.

5. Be Straightforward

Many women believe in mind-reading, hoping their partners will understand their unspoken wishes. Newsflash: this usually backfires. Men love straightforwardness. Be clear about your thoughts and feelings instead of playing guessing games. He’ll appreciate the clarity and reciprocate in kind.

6. Praise Him

Ah, the male ego—big, fragile, and hungry for praise. Genuine compliments make him feel on top of the world. Nod affirmatively when he’s done something deserving, and even when it’s not groundbreaking, let him know you appreciate him as often as possible. It’s a solid reminder of your love.