A five-year relationship, a hefty inheritance, and a fiancé with big expectations—what could possibly go wrong? Welcome to this drama-filled saga of ‘My money, not yours,’ where love meets financial friction.

Our protagonist, a 32-year-old woman—let’s call her the Original Poster (OP)—turned to the virtual court of Reddit for a reality check after a fiery showdown with her fiancé. Buckle up, folks; this one’s a rollercoaster.

OP, who recently got engaged to her 35-year-old significant other, began planning their wedding set for May 2025. But then, life threw a curveball—a bittersweet inheritance.

Shortest happy ending ever? Well, unfortunately, yes. OP’s grandmother passed away, leaving her a hefty sum because, well, Grandma and Grandpa were quite the achievers. Then came OP’s pivotal moment: sharing the news with her fiancé, who, as it turns out, had quite the plans.

“When I told him, his joy level went from 0 to 100 faster than my microwave reheats leftovers,” OP shared. But the day took a nosedive. Later, she overheard her beloved bragging to his game squad: ‘I can pay off my credit card with that money, mate! Boys’ holiday, here we come!’

Needless to say, OP was not pleased.

She confronted him immediately. ‘What money are we talking about?’ she cut through his gaming-induced euphoria. His response? ‘From your nan, babe,’ said with what was presumably the most clueless look.

Spoiler alert: It did not go well. OP exploded with a ‘Not today, Satan!’ energy. She declared the money off-limits for anything but her own financial decisions—which, funnily enough, did not include his buddies’ dream vacay.

This sparked a full-blown shouting match, complete with fiancé’s comeback: ‘We are getting married; you will become my financial BURDEN. Any money you take is mine too. You embarrassed me in front of my friends!’ Ah, such chivalry.

Unable to handle the sheer gall of her partner, OP did what any sane person would do: she left. Silence spoke louder than words as she headed to her friend’s place, pondering if she was in the wrong.

Enter the Reddit jury. The responses were nothing short of cathartic:

‘He thinks of you as a financial burden and is planning ways to spend YOUR money without you. If you marry him, you’re signing up for a lifetime subscription to ‘Regret Magazine,” wrote one user.

‘Really? Marry this guy? He assumes he’s entitled to your money and has the audacity to plan a boys’ trip without you? Red flags have officially become fireworks,’ chimed another.

And here’s the pièce de résistance: ‘Stop the wedding. Do not marry this guy. First, he’s got unpaid credit card debt? Second, what’s his is his, and what’s yours is his? Third, the rage and entitlement are classic signs of a narcissist. Your grandparents’ last gift wasn’t just the money; it was the reveal of his true character. Run.’

Now, take a breath. What do you reckon? Should OP cut her losses and run? Let us know!