Alright folks, put on your thinking caps because this riddle is all about getting creative with matches—no, not the Tinder kind! The highest number you can form by moving just two matches is 511108. Mind-blowing, right? You simply remove the two horizontal sticks from the zero and voilà, it magically transforms into a 1.

And here’s a little fun twist: if you flip the number upside down, the maximum number becomes 811105. A complete game-changer, isn’t it?


Feeling a bit skeptical? No worries, here’s another possible solution to satisfy your inner detective:

Pretty cool, right? So, did you manage to crack the riddle? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Drop your answers in the comment section below. And if you solved it like a pro, go ahead and share the riddle with your friends and family. They’ll thank you for the brain workout!