Alright, gather around, folks! Let’s tune our minds to a delightful little conundrum that has stumped many throughout history. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Picture this: A man buys a horse for $60. He then waltzes over to another market and sells it for $70. Feeling a bit of a trader’s itch, he buys the same horse back for $80. But wait for it—he’s not done yet! Our intrepid horse trader sells it once more, this time for $90. A whirlwind of transactions, wouldn’t you say? Now, let’s untangle this mathematical mash-up.

To really get a grip on our horse-trading friend’s financial acrobatics, let’s break down each transaction separately (cue dramatic music):

So, in total: $10 + $10 = $20.

Voila! The man made a neat profit of $20 from this horse-related hullabaloo. It’s all about seeing each transaction as its own little piece of the puzzle.

How did you first approach the problem? Did you get a different result? Feel free to pop into the comments and share your thoughts. And hey, don’t keep this brainteaser to yourself—share it with your friends and see if they get tripped up or triumph!

Now, wasn’t that a fun little ride through the market? Happy puzzling, everyone!