If your partner deletes their chats and messages, it could be for any of the following reasons

1. To maintain peace

Ah, the good ol’ peace-keeping tactic! If you’re known to have a streak of insecurity or possessiveness, it’s no wonder your partner might be hitting delete on those messages. Rather than risk igniting a firestorm over a harmless chat, they’re opting for a quiet life over an impromptu courtroom drama.

2. To keep you and your relationship happy

Let’s face it, jealousy can turn a tiny molehill into Mount Everest. Your partner might be clearing their chat history faster than you can say “trust issues,” not because they’ve got a treasure trove of secrets, but to spare both of you from unnecessary angst. Believe me, they’ve probably endured some jealousy-induced interrogations in the past and decided that prevention is their best bet.

3. Privacy purposes

Now, this is where the plot thickens. Who doesn’t value a little privacy? Just because they’re cleaning up their messages doesn’t mean they’re operating a covert mission. They might just be planning a surprise party for you or helping their bestie through some drama. So unless you’ve morphed into Sherlock, give them the benefit of the doubt. Everyone’s entitled to some digital elbow room.

4. They flirt

Oh, flirting—the gray area of relationships. Is it cheating? Is it harmless fun? The jury’s still out. Your partner might be harmlessly batting their eyelashes (digitally speaking) without stepping over the line, and thus, they wipe out the evidence to avoid any soapy drama. Big difference between flirting and full-on cheating, folks! So, before you hit DEFCON 1 over some flirty banter, take a breather.

5. Conceal their cheating

Alright, I saved the juiciest for last. Sometimes, the simplest answer is the correct one. If they’re up to no good, deleting messages is a pretty effective cloak-and-dagger move. If shady business is afoot, removing chat history is their go-to strategy to keep you in the dark. Sherlock hat back on, folks!