1) Pay attention to the way he behaves

So, you’re wondering if your guy has fallen head over heels? Well, it’s not just about how he treats you, but also about how he behaves around others. Does he miss phone calls when he’s with you? Chat less with other people? Bingo! That means he values his time with you more than anything, and that’s a pretty big hint that his feelings run deep.

2) Observe his eyes

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, right? If you catch him looking at you with those soft, caring eyes, congratulations, you’ve got a smitten kitten on your hands! When his gaze lingers lovingly and he’s constantly staring at you, it’s a sure sign he adores everything about you. And let’s admit it, that feels pretty darn good!

3) He is jealous

Ah, jealousy – the unexpectedly sweet signal that he truly cares. If he seems a bit territorial when other guys are around, it’s a pretty strong indication that his feelings for you are legit. Just make sure it doesn’t go overboard; there’s a fine line between cute jealousy and possessiveness!

4) He makes time for you

You know he loves you when he moves mountains to spend time with you. If he’s making sure to show up for every date and adventure you plan, it’s clear that he values your interests and wants to keep you smiling. When a guy who makes an effort to be there whenever you need him, that’s love at its finest.

5) He tries to show you how much he cares

Swallowing his pride, being vulnerable, and showing honesty and understanding? This guy is definitely wearing his heart on his sleeve for you. If he makes you feel loved and secure, giving you his undivided attention and affection, it’s a sure sign his feelings are genuine and deep.

6) He keeps you close to him when you are together

Body language speaks volumes. When he holds you close, wraps you in his arms, and shows off your togetherness to the world, it’s his way of saying, “We’re in this together, and nothing will come between us.” Seeing a couple holding hands or sitting close speaks louder than words – their love is palpable.

7) He kisses you frequently

And finally, the piece de resistance – the kisses. If he’s always stealing kisses, it’s a tender whisper of his affection, a little declaration that he doesn’t want to let you go. A kiss says you’re loved, accepted, and deeply cherished. It shows his feelings for your relationship and the intimate bond you share.